材質:白色烤漆鋼板及鋼板鍍鋅烤漆彩色塗裝 尺寸:400×376cm 設置地點:營北國中校門入口處 |
雨言,語言。這件作品由這個諧音發想,由26 個英文字母堆積成積雨雲,落下句句英文片語格言,比喻學習英文猶如沐浴在一種環境之中,在生活中不斷接受語言的洗禮,孜孜不倦,一直到它成為一種自然而然的習慣,方有所成。 | |
英語諺語 2. It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, not being but the act of becoming, which grants the greatest enjoyment. 3. It's not whether you get knocked down. It's whether you get up again. 4. Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.無須為過往感到悲傷,因為它屬於過去;不需為未知的未來感到壓力,因為它尚未發生。活在當下,形塑美麗的現在。 5. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.Happiness is a direction, not a place.所謂的幸福是當你的所思、所想與所為呈現合諧。幸福,其實是一個方向而非你所處的地方。 6. Don't go through life, grow through life. What is important in life is life, and not the result of life.We are the hero of our own story.不要只是虛度人生,而是在人生的階段中成長。生命中最重要的是生活的內涵而非生命故事的結局。每個人都是自己生命故事的主角。 7. Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines. In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. |
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